FCKeditor ChangeLog - What's New?
Version 2.6.4 (SVN)
New Features and Improvements:
- [#2430] In the table
dialog it's possible to create header cells in the first row (included in a thead element)
or the first column of the table.
- [#822] The table cell
dialog allows to switch between normal data cells or header cells (TD vs TH).
Fixed Bugs:
- [#2381] Protected the editor
from duplicate iframes
- [#1752] Fixed
the issue with Tablecommands plugin and undefined tagName.
- [#2333] The >
character inside text wasn't encoded in Opera and Safari.
- [#2467] Fixed JavaScript
error with the fit window command in source mode.
- [#2472] Splitting a TH
will create a two TH, not a TH and a TD.
- [#1891] Removed
unnecessary name attributes in dialogs.
- [#798,
#2495] If an image was
placed inside a container with dimensions or floating it wasn't possible to edit its
properties from the toolbar or context menu.
- [#1982] Submenus in IE7
now are shown properly.
- [#2496] Using the Paste
dialogs in IE might insert the content at the start of the editor.
- [#2496] Fixed RTL dialog
layout in Internet Explorer.
- [#2488] Fixed the issue
where email links in IE would take the browser to a new page in addition to calling up the
email client.
- [#2519] Fixed race
condition at registering the FCKeditorAPI object in multiple editor scenarios.
- [#2525] Fixed JavaScript
error in Google Chrome when StartupShowBlocks is set to true.
- Language file updates for the following languages:
- [#2531] The ENTER
key will properly scroll to the cursor position when breaking long paragraphs.
- [#2573] The type
name in configurations for the ASP connector are now case sensitive.
- [#2503] DL, DT and DD where
missing the formatting in the generated HTML.
- [#2516] Replaced the
extension AddItem of Array with the standard "push" method.
- [#2486] Vertically splitting
cell with colspan > 1 breaks table layout.
See previous versions history