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Duvernay Site Access

If you are a contractor working at PCC’s Duvernay site, here’s what you need to know to access the site and begin work.

Corporate Policies for Suppliers

Suppliers and vendors working with PetroChina Canada are asked to abide by our key corporate policies. Please review the following policies and speak with your PetroChina Canada contact if you have any concerns.

How do I obtain Site Access?

Book your room at the Duvernay camp by contacting rcccduvernay@rightchoicecamps.ca 7-10 days before your arrival at site.

Couriers and Shipments

Send packages and documents to:

PetroChina Canada Ltd. - Duvernay
Attn.: Kirk Mclean/Derek Gawne
Apex Distribution
318 1st Ave Fox Creek, AB T0H 1P0
Phone: Kirk Mclean - 403-820-4692