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MRCP Site Access

How do I obtain my MRCP Site Access Card (ID Badge)?

To obtain your MRCP Site Access Card there are 4 basic steps to follow:

  1. Select the Badge Authorization Form link below and fully complete the top section with your personal and supervisor details.
  2. All of the information above should be submitted to mrcpsecurity@petrochinacanada.com 7-10 days before your arrival at site.
  3. When you arrive at site, report to MRCP Central Processing Facility Southwest Gate and press the call button on the intercom to request access.
  4. You will be directed to proceed to the Control Complex to complete the Site Orientation. Once site orientation is complete you will be issued your Site Access Card. You must provide government issued photo ID for verification.

Note: Site Specific HSSE Orientations are conducted daily at 07:30 hours at the Control Complex. Special times for Orientations require a minimum of 72 hours notice.

Do I need to complete a waiver?

Yes, you must complete a waiver to get on to site. You only need do this once as it will be held on file at MRCP.

Click the Security Search Waiver and Consent Form below, sign and submit to mrcpsecurity@petrochinacanada.com.