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About Us


Delivering the energy the world needs

It’s estimated that by 2035, the global population will be 8.8 billion. That's 1.4 billion more consumers of energy than there are today. PetroChina Canada views all of its activities through this global lens.

As an integrated energy business that’s a wholly owned subsidiary of PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina), our focus is on responsibly producing and delivering energy to customers around the world. As part of a global company with global ambitions, our vision is to be a leading integrated energy company in Canada, fully committed to social responsibility.

With investments in upstream, midstream and downstream assets in Canada, PetroChina Canada is well positioned to unlock, produce, and distribute energy resources for years to come. 

We take the long view; we understand that in the highly competitive global energy sector, only the most efficient and innovative businesses will survive. This is why we are enhancing the profitability and sustainability of PetroChina Canada by piloting creative new technologies and work processes, carefully planning for strategic growth, and leveraging the global capabilities and capacity of our owner.