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Stakeholder Affairs


We believe finding opportunities to build partnerships with local and Aboriginal communities is the foundation for long-lasting, successful relationships. 

These partnerships are focused on three areas:

Business Development

Intregrating local and Aboriginal businesses into our supply chain supports the development of mutually beneficial and sustainable long-term relationships in support of PetroChina Canada's operations. 

Consultation and Environmental Stewardship

Respectful and positive working relationships require ongoing information sharing, consultation efforts based on transparency, and engagement at the community level. 

Community Development

PetroChina Canada supports community programs that focus on enhancing social, cultural and economic stability. By supporting community-based initiatives that provide services and activities, we're providing the tools needed to strengthen communities.

We believe communities thrive when they have access to the resources they uniquely need. Our signature community investment initiatives include Canadian Blood Services Partners for Life, Calgary Food Bank and No Crib for a Bed. In our operating communities we support the Fort McKay Afterschool Youth Wellness Support Program and the Fort Chipewyan Pre-Employment Trades Program

PetroChina Canada's Canstruction Team and CANda Panda (2016).