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Supplier Pre-Qualification


Veriforce will in the near future begin serving as PetroChina Canada's primary contractor/supplier information and management provider, replacing ISNetworld. All contractor information and data will be managed in Veriforce’s ComplyWorks system from prequalification, HSSE, QA/QC, Insurance, WCB, and through to the evaluation of contractor and vendor performance.

As a result of this action, contractors/suppliers and their subcontractors performing services for PetroChina Canada are required to have a ComplyWorks subscription. Veriforce will reach out to PetroChina Canada suppliers and contractors in the coming days with instructions on joining their system to help ensure compliance, risk management, and continuity of work.

If you have any questions about the transition to ComplyWorks, contact HSSE Operations & Systems Coordinator Bill Litousky.